To start this here Messiah note,
Look back to what Isaiah wrote.

"I'll send my messenger to say,
'Prepare your hearts, God comes this way.'"

Well that was John, who advertised
Repentence and to be baptized.

But he was clear, "The time is nigh,
There comes one mightier than I.

Into the water I put you,
But with the Spirit, he'll imbue."

Then Jesus came, and in he goes,
Then heaven opened as he rose.

From heaven came a voice with might,
"I love you, Son, in you delight".

Then sent out to the wilderness,
Was tempted and he passed the test.

"God's kingdom is at hand," he said.
"I'll make you fish for men instead."

He gathered followers to teach.
Went to the synagogue to preach.

He taught with such authority.
He made an unclean spirit flee.

He fixed a fever, then healed more.
The city gathered at their door.

Then early, 'fore the break of day,
He left the house alone to pray.

Told Simon, then, when he was found,
"Let's spread the news to other towns."

There came a man with leprosy
Who begged for help on bended knee.

"Please will you end my quarantine?"
"I will," said Jesus, then, "Be clean."

He healed a paralytic man.
Forgave his sins, "because I can".

Reclined by Matthew's dinner plate,
One asked why he with sinners ate.

"Who needs a doctor," he asked quick.
"It's not the healthy, but the sick."

Then, "Why don't your disciples fast?"
"They're with the bridegroom at long last."

"Why break the Sabbath as you do?"
"Because I'm Lord of Sabbath too."

So then a man with withered hand
Was healed as Jesus's command.

The Pharisees, now, quite annoyed
Decided he must be destroyed.

Then to the seaside he withdrew.
The crowd that followed grew and grew.

Then twelve he chose with him to be,
To preach and have authority.

Some said he's crazy or possessed.
Their blasphemy he did protest.

His family's those who do God's will.
Be seeds in soil that God tilled.

God's light is truth that must be shown.
His ways are bursting to be known.

Then with his crew out on a boat,
Concerned they wouldn't stay afloat,

While Jesus slept, disciples cry,
"Do you not care? We're gonna die!"

So Jesus woke and calmed the squall.
Said, "Really? Have you faith at all?"

A man whom evil spirit dooms
Was forced to live out in the tombs.

The demon shrieked as Jesus came.
Christ cast it out and asked its name.

Christ told the man, healed through and through.
"Go tell what God has done for you."

A woman who had suffered much
Thought she'd be cured with just one touch.

Said Christ, once power was released,
"Your faith has healed you, go in peace."

A man fell at his feet to plead,
"My daughter's sick, it's you we need."

Then someone came from up ahead.
"It is too late, your daughter's dead."

"Don't let fear make you misconceive."
Yeshua told him, "Just believe."

They met the mourners on the path.
"She's just asleep," but they all laughed.

He took the child by the hand.
"Young girl, I say to you now, stand."

He taught in his own country hence.
Astonished, still they took offense.

"A prophet may have world-renown,
but honor, none in his hometown."

He sent the twelve out two by two.
Commanded them on what to do.

"Take just the clothes upon your back.
Do not take money or a snack."

So to the other towns they went.
They healed and told the crowds, "Repent!"

Then Herod, paranoid with guilt,
About a man whose blood he'd spilt.
He feared John, but cut off his head.
Now feared he'd come back from the dead.

The twelve returned, then, from their quest.
Christ said, "Let's go and get some rest."

The crowd, though, found them, thousands deep.
To the Great Shepherd came the sheep.

So Jesus taught the multitude.
Told his disciples, "Get them food."

"That'd cost two hundred denarii."
"Well what food have you? Go and see."

They had about enough for ten,
But there were 'round five thousand men.

He looked to heaven. Broke the loaves.
They multiplied and fed the droves.

He made the twelve then sail away
While he went up the hill to pray.

Then in the middle of the night
Thye say him and had quite a fright.

For he was walking on the sea.
"Fear not you guys," he said, "It's me."

They were amazed. Now understood.
Then Jesus went on doing good.

Asked why they ate with unwashed hands -
"You love men's rules, not God's commands."

"Such things are not what sin's about.
Not what goes in, but what comes out.

What comes out comes out from the heart,
In actions which they then take part.

He healed a Gentile girl and man.
He multiplied the food again.

The Pharisees came to dispute.
Christ shut them down, was resolute.

"Beware their faithless yeast," he said.
Disciples thought he meant the bread.

"You've been beside me, seen first hand.
How do you still not understand?"

He touched a blind man, made him well.
Sent him back home, said not to tell.

Near Cesearea Philippi,
"What say the people, who am I?"

"Elijah, John, the prophets too."
So then he asked, "Well what say you?"

"We know you're the Anointed One."
Then Christ explained what must be done.

"I'll be rejected, then be killed.
I'll rise," but Peter wasn't thrilled.

Rebuking Christ he said, "No way!"
"You're filled with Satan. Get away!"

You cannot serve the Father when
You have in mind the things of men.

"Disown yourself, my path to take.
To save your soul, lose for my sake.

Salvation, child, you cannot earn.
Call now, I'll call on my return."

Then Jesus, Peter, John and James
Went up a mountain, where proclaims
The Father, his voice in a cloud,
"I love my son," they heard aloud.

His clothes took on a dazzling sheen,
The whitest white they'd ever seen.

"Now hear him," said the voice revered.
Then suddenly it disappeared.

While walking down then Jesus said,
"Don't tell till I rise from the dead."

They came upon a crowd distresed
About a boy who was possessed.

"Please," begged the father, "cast it out."
First Jesus focused on his doubt.

"I do believe," he cried through grief,
"Help overcome my unbelief."

They left and went through Galilee.
Then Jesus taught them privately.

"The Son of Man will be betrayed,
Be killed and rise." They were afraid.

Then in Capernaum Jesus heard
Them arguing. Said, "What's the word?"

They'd argued, though no one confessed,
Of who amoung them was the best.

"To come in first, put yourself last.
As servant of mankind be cast."

"To serve a child is to serve God.
Whoever serves mine, I'll applaud."

"What causes sin in you, cut out.
Stay useful, peaceful, pure, devout."

Asked 'bout a loophole on divorce -
"Go back to the initial source.

What God has joined, don't rip apart.
Let go the hardness of your heart."

As children do, accept God's reign.
In time, all worldly wealth is vain.

"What you give up for me, behold:
You will get back a hundredfold."

His death, again, he told the twelve.
But they just fought amongst themselves.

"You know of state authority.
Pow'r doesn't work the same with me.

I am a ransom - why I came.
See how I serve and do the same."

Against the crowds a blind man braved.
"Go. By your faith you have been saved."

He rode into Jerusalem.
"Hosanna!" cried those hailing him.

The temple, then, he walked into.
The vendors' tables overthrew.

"A house of prayer this should have been.
You've turned it to a robber's den."

He cursed a fig tree, then explained
By prayer all things can be attained.

The chief priests tried to set a trap.
He turned it 'round and trapped them back.

A parable about a farm,
'bout broken trust and brutal harm
Showed priestly cuplability
for failed responsibility.

For God Himself they had disowned.
Rejected, then, His cornerstone.

To inquiry nefarious
Chirst held up a denarius.

"Give Caesar that which has his face.
Give God the things he put in place."

The Sadducees said, "How 'bout this?"
Christ showed them how they were amiss.

"Which is the best command we'll find?"
"Love God with heart, soul, strength, and mind."

"Beware conceited scribes, whereas
The widow there gave all she has."

"All man's construciton will not last."
"Please tell us when these things will pass."

"Don't know exactly. There'll be signs.
Like famines, earthquakes, troubled times.

There will be wars. You'll be attacked.
Don't let betrayals make you retract.

When led to rulers, don't dismay.
Your God will give you what to say.

When blasphemy hits its apex.
Unmatched oppression will come next.

Don't heed the false christs in the crowds.
I'll come with glory in the clouds.

I've told you. Take heed not to botch.
I say to all - Be ready. Watch."

A woman that some thought bizarre,
She broke an alabaster jar.

She poured the oil on his head.
"It's my embalming," Jesus said.

Then Judas went with treason mad
Which made the chief priests very glad.

Meanwhile disciples went to meet
Preparing for a place to eat.

They went and found the upper room
Where they'd eat the last supper soon.

He broke the bread and poured the wine.
"Take in this flesh and blood of mine."

"Tonight you'll stumble, might be dazed.
I'll see you after I am raised."

Said Peter, "They might fail. Not me."
"You'll fail me not one time, but three."

"No. Even if I have to die,
There's no way that you I'll deny."

Then Jesus, troubled, went to pray.
He asked his men to watch and stay.

He went ahead, fell to his knees.
"Abba, don't make me do this please.

You can do all things, even now.
Not what I will," he said, "but Thou."

Asleep he found that recent vower.
"Could you not watch for just one hour?"

Went two more times to pray, then done,
Woke them again. "The time has come."

"Hi Rabbi," Judas nicely feigned.
ID'd, now Jesus was detained.

"You've come with swords like I'm a thief.
But all this to fulfill the brief."

Before the council testified
Collective witnesses who lied.

"Are you the Christ, Son of the Blessed?"
The chief priest asked. He answered yes.

"That's blasphemy! Now he must die."
They struck him and said "Prophesy!"

A maid saw Peter standing, fraught.
Said, "You are with him." "No I'm not."

"You talk like him. You're in his pod."
"I don't know him. I swear to God!"

To Pilate, Jesus they did bring.
"Well," Pilate asked, "are you their king?"

"So you say," he answered short,
And that would be his last retort.

So Pilate trotted Jesus out.
"Now crucify," the crowd did shout.

"Crucify? Why, for what crime?"
They shouted louder yet this time.

They mocked and beat him, then they hung
Him on the cross, and insults flung.

Three hours darkness filled the sky.
"You have forsaken me God. Why?"

Then as his final breath he drew,
The temple curtain tore in two.

So then a man well-known in town,
He asked to take the body down.

Laid Jesus in the tomb he owned
And closed the entrance with a stone.

Three women, once the Sabbath passed,
Went to the tomb, were flabbergast.

Because the giant stone was rolled.
"You'll see him soon, just as he told."

The young man speaking wore all white,
Was sitting calmly on the right.

"Don't be amazed. Though he was dead,
He's risen and has gone ahead."

Yeshua met with Mary first,
Then two who 'cross a field traversed.

Apostles didn't think it real
Till Jesus showed up at their meal.

Rebuking them, he then declared,
"Go preach the good news everywhere.

Those who believe, such faith saves them.
But those who don't will be condemned."

Then up to heaven, magnified.
He sat down at the Father's side.

With miracles to validate,
Disciples preached salvation great

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© 2024 Jotham McCauley