by Jotham McCauley
Paul wrote to Timothy, "My son, 1Tim 1:1-2
Stick to the work you have begun.1Tim 1:2
To silence senseless teachers who 1Tim 1:3-7
Do not build faith but misconstrue1Tim 1:4-7
The law, not for the righteous, but1Tim 1:9
The wayward who don't know what's what. 1Tim 1:9-11
I once did evil, awful things,1Tim 1:13
But given grace by King of Kings. 1Tim 1:14
You can accept this word is true: 1Tim 1:15
If he took me, then he'll take you. 1Tim 1:15-16
So fight the good fight. Pray for all.1Tim 1:18-19,2:1
To teach the full truth is my call. 1Tim 2:4-7
Lift up not anger, men, but prayer. 1Tim 2:8
And women, prize good deeds, not hair. 1Tim 2:9-10
It's great if someone wants to lead.1Tim 3:1
Make sure they have the traits they need.1Tim 3:2
They must be gentle, self-controlled,1Tim 3:2-3
Not drunkards or in love with gold. 1Tim 3:3
Hospitable, not prone to strife. 1Tim 3:2-3
A husband faithful to his wife. 1Tim 3:12
A reputation unbesmirched.1Tim 3:7
One must lead well to lead the church. 1Tim 3:4-5
But don't add rules to be obeyed.1Tim 4:1-3
For all is good that God has made. 1Tim 4:4
To teach this way you will be wise. 1Tim 4:6
Make godliness an exercise. 1Tim 4:7-8
With God as your security,1Tim 4:10
A pattern be, of purity, 1Tim 4:12
Of how to love and how to talk,1Tim 4:12
Believing true and how to walk. 1Tim 4:12
So read aloud and persevere.1Tim 4:13-16
You'll save yourself and those who hear. 1Tim 4:16
All Christians, treat as relatives. 1Tim 5:1-2
To those in need, then, freely give. 1Tim 5:3-5
But those who are by pleasure fed,1Tim 5:6
While living they're already dead. 1Tim 5:6
Those closest to you, give relief.1Tim 5:8
To fail that's worse than unbelief. 1Tim 5:8
Help widows to whom you are close1Tim 5:16
So church can help who needs it most. 1Tim 5:16
Tose who the work of church direct1Tim 5:17-18
Deserve the utmost of respect. 1Tim 5:17-18
Give honor, servants, all the same,1Tim 6:1-2
That none would slander God's good name. 1Tim 6:1-2
Those who teach wrong are clueless, vain,1Tim 6:3-4
Cause conflicts and seek worldly gain. 1Tim 6:4-5
Those wanting riches fall in traps1Tim 6:9
That lead to ruinous collapse. 1Tim 6:9
The love of money is a root1Tim 6:10
That grows to evil as its fruit. 1Tim 6:10
We came with nothing, thus depart.1Tim 6:7
Chase godliness, now that's what's smart. 1Tim 6:6
The rich should do good deeds and share.1Tim 6:18
Trust God in heav'n, build treasure there. 1Tim 6:17,19
Avoid the profane that is rife.1Tim 6:20
Take hold of your eternal life. 1Tim 6:12

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