by Jotham McCauley
To: God's church in Corinth and to all 1Co 1:2
On whom the name of Jesus call. 1Co 1:2
From: Sosthenes, and in his scrawl, 1Co 1:1
with grace and truth, Apostle Paul. 1Co 1:1,3
You're rich in gifts, filled to the brim. 1Co 1:5-7
Your strength from fellowship with Him. 1Co 1:8-9
But are you fighting with your brother? 1Co 1:11
Have no division with each other. 1Co 1:10
It doesn't matter who's your preacher. 1Co 1:12-17
We all are following one Teacher. 1Co 1:12-17
Our message, foolish to the lost, 1Co 1:18
To praise a man killed on a cross. 1Co 1:18
But man's intelligence turns sour. 1Co 1:19
We know the cross show's God's true power. 1Co 1:18
It pleases God for recompense 1Co 1:21
A way the world thinks don't make sense. 1Co 1:21
The world's made knowledge deified. 1Co 1:22
But God's wisdom was crucified. 1Co 1:24
Did God choose you cause you were great? 1Co 1:26
More likely so there's no debate. 1Co 1:27-29
When you succeed, don't be adored. 1Co 1:29
Let glory belong to the Lord. 1Co 1:31
I came in weakness, not with brains. 1Co 2:1-3
So all your faith in God remains. 1Co 2:4-5
We value wisdom, just not man's. 1Co 2:6
The secret wisdom of God's plans. 1Co 2:7
No eye has seen, no ear has heard 1Co 2:9
God's plans for those who love his Word. 1Co 2:9
Revealed by God, we know because 1Co 2:10
We know because the Spirit does. 1Co 2:11
It's not by senses we have learned. 1Co 2:13
These things are spiritually discerned. 1Co 2:14
But since there's jealousy and strife, 1Co 3:3
It's clear the flesh still rules your life. 1Co 3:3
God gave me seeds, told me to sow. 1Co 3:5-6
But only God can make them grow. 1Co 3:6-7
Once true foundation has been laid, 1Co 3:11
Accepting Christ, your debts are paid. 1Co 3:12
Then what you build, create, or birth - 1Co 3:12-13
The meaning of your life on earth. 1Co 3:12-15
Your work pours from your heart's desire, 1Co 3:13
And Judgment Day's refining fire 1Co 3:13
Reveals eternal quality, 1Co 3:13
Or worldly, base frivolity. 1Co 3:13
So if your work is for the Lord 1Co 3:14
You will receive a big reward. 1Co 3:14
But if, when judged, your works combust, 1Co 3:15
You will be saved, but only just. 1Co 3:15
A servant, then, is duty-bound, 1Co 4:1-2
And always must be faithful found. 1Co 4:1-2
Our mission is not to indict. 1Co 4:5
The Lord will bring the truth to light. 1Co 4:5
As motive of each heart surveys, 1Co 4:5
He'll give, as due, each soul his praise. 1Co 4:5
What's pride but misattribution? 1Co 4:6-7
Praising man for God's contribution. 1Co 4:6-7
You think that you know everything. 1Co 4:10
Who went and died and made you king? 1Co 4:8
The world gives Christians no regard. 1Co 4:11-13
God values what the world discards. 1Co 4:11-13
You're proud? There's sin. Do you not know? 1Co 5:1-6
A little yeast works through the dough. 1Co 5:6
Cast out immoral men and grieve. 1Co 5:1-2
- I don't mean those who don't believe. 1Co 5:10
But those inside the brotherhood. 1Co 5:11
If they love sin, throw out for good. 1Co 5:11
If Christian One takes Two to court, 1Co 6:1-6
Does that our claim of peace support? 1Co 6:1-6
Don't let disputes become prolonged. 1Co 6:7
Just do the right thing and be wronged. 1Co 6:7
You once were wicked, but were washed. 1Co 6:9-11
Make sure all sin in you is squashed. 1Co 6:12
You're one with Jesus, therefore flee 1Co 6:17-18
All sexual immorality. 1Co 6:18
God bought you, and at quite a price 1Co 6:19-20
Your body isn't meant for vice. 1Co 6:13,18-20
It's good if you abstain from sex, 1Co 7:1
And live for God in all respects. 1Co 7:32-35
But if temptation seems to great, 1Co 7:5
Let every person find their mate. 1Co 7:2
So wife to husband, husband-wife, 1Co 7:3-5
Share bodies like you share your life. 1Co 7:3-5
No matter what your status is. 1Co 7:8-40
God called you, now your life is his. 1Co 7:22-23
The cares of life of most import: 1Co 7:32,34-35
Keep God's commands - for life is short. 1Co 7:19,29
Let's take a moment to speak of 1Co 8:1
What knowledge is compared to love. 1Co 8:1
While knowledge puffs your chest way out, 1Co 8:1
Love builds up someone filled with doubt. 1Co 8:1
Example on which can be chewed 1Co 8:4
Is idol-designated food. 1Co 8:4
You know that idols are not real. 1Co 8:4
But what's a weaker person feel? 1Co 8:7
They may see you and think it odd. 1Co 8:10
Unsure if you serve only God. 1Co 8:10
Your knowledge knows that food is fine. 1Co 8:8
But Love puts others first in line. 1Co 8:1
Be careful exercising rights 1Co 8:9
Does not for others cause more plights. 1Co 8:9
Now preachers have a right to pay. 1Co 9:1-14
But blessed if they preach anyway. 1Co 9:15-23
While athletes win a prize that rots, 1Co 9:24-25
Eternal life with God does not. 1Co 9:25
Know there are people God has saved, 1Co 10:1-4
But does not like how they behaved. 1Co 10:5
'Cause they love idols, booze, and sex, 1Co 10:7-8
Complains 'bout how God directs. 1Co 10:10
From them you see what not to do. 1Co 10:11
Look out for traps to fall into. 1Co 10:12
Though tempted by the flesh's sway, 1Co 10:13
Seek God and you can get away. 1Co 10:13
Flee idols and avoid their feasts. 1Co 10:14,18
Do not join demons with God's priests. 1Co 10:20
We have such freedom, all is God's. 1Co 10:23-26
All is permitted that him lauds. 1Co 10:23,30
The question ain't "Is this allowed" 1Co 10:23
But "Is it loving?", as you've vowed. 1Co 10:24,32
Keep customs of propriety. 1Co 11:2-16
Keep union and sobriety. 1Co 11:17-22
When you commune as one big church, 1Co 11:17-34
Be earnest as your heart you search. 1Co 11:27-28
The Spirit has not any rifts. 1Co 12:3
There is one God, but many gifts. 1Co 12:4-6
Like wisdom, knowledge, mighty deeds. 1Co 12:8,10
Like prophesy, the faith one needs, 1Co 12:9-10
Discerning spirits, healing pain, 1Co 12:9-10
To speak in tongues, or to explain. 1Co 12:10
The Spirit works as he decides, 1Co 12:11
Through Christians in whom he abides. 1Co 12:11
You're in the body, not in charge. 1Co 12:13
Don't worry if your part is large. 1Co 12:15-17
Each part has its own part to play 1Co 12:21-22,27
'Cause God arranged it that-a-way. 1Co 12:18
What God has joined let no one split. 1Co 12:25
Share pain and joy when you're close knit. 1Co 12:25-26
Yet with all gifts from up above, 1Co 13:1-3
You still gain nothing without love. 1Co 13:1-3
Love is patient, love is kind. 1Co 13:4
Your past mistakes it does not find. 1Co 13:5
Love protects and perseveres. 1Co 13:7
It trusts and hopes, with truth it cheers. 1Co 13:6-7
Love does not seek itself the most. 1Co 13:5
It does not envy, does not boast. 1Co 13:4
Love never fails, is not provoked. 1Co 13:5,8
It does not need its ego stroked. 1Co 13:4
When all is known, we see the scope. 1Co 13:8-12
These three remain: faith, love, and hope. 1Co 13:13
To speak in tongues, to God you cry, 1Co 14:2
But prophesy will edify. 1Co 14:3
All sorts of tumult you must cease. 1Co 14:6-40
For God brings order, God brings peace. 1Co 14:33
Now don't lose sight of the main point. 1Co 15:1-2
Just as foretold, God did anoint 1Co 15:3
The Christ to die and be revived. 1Co 15:4
Appeared to hundreds now alive. 1Co 15:5-7
If this were not true, we'd be toast, 1Co 15:4
And Christians would be pitied most. 1Co 15:5-7
This life, if that's it, one might think 1Co 15:32
Let's party now, just eat and drink. 1Co 15:32
Don't be misled, bad company 1Co 15:33
Corrupts good character in thee. 1Co 15:33
For as in Adam none survive, 1Co 15:22
The risen Christ makes all alive. 1Co 15:22
The physical is made from earth, 1Co 15:45-47
And it has no immortal worth. 1Co 15:50
To live forever we must wear 1Co 15:45-55
The clothes of heaven Christ prepared. 1Co 15:45-55
Stand firm and never go astray. 1Co 15:58
Work for the Lord will always pay. 1Co 15:58
Collection for the saints who lead. 1Co 16:1-3
Protection for the servant, heed. 1Co 16:10-11
Stay strong, stand firm, and be on guard. 1Co 16:13
Have courage, and love when it's hard. 1Co 16:13-14
Devoted ministers are prized. 1Co 16:15-16
Such servants should be recognized. 1Co 16:17-18
All those who hate the Lord, dismiss. 1Co 16:22
Believers greet with sacred kiss. 1Co 16:20

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© 2024 Jotham McCauley